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Conversation with Jesus 3/1/2011
David: Brother, if you have an interesting contribution to make someday about this difficulty that people have with father love, I would really appreciate it. Because we find so much difficulty that people have in trying to transition into conscious critique or direct speech.
Jesus: Yeah.
David: You see? There is a line in the sand there. Not many of them that go across there.
Jesus: To be implicated. You know? People are very attached to their comfort zones. Daddy gets you out of your comfort zone, that's who he is. Mommy -- in a way she might get people out of their comfort zone, but Daddy, it's his JOB to get you out of your comfort zone, much more so.
David: I think, too, it's his job to help you with your moral development, isn't it?
Jesus: Yeah.
David: In other words, you go along until you're twelve years old or something, and you have a right to have the unconditional kind of fluffy support that Mom can offer. But then Dad says, "Well..."
Jesus: "Shape up."
David: Yeah. "You have to get ready to be in the world, you have to be a moral character to do it."
Jesus: "You have to have discipline. You have to do right." And so forth. See, it's very cushy not to have to have discipline. At least they think it is. Actually, it's living hell. But they THINK it's cushy. It's their comfort zone, not to have to worry about morality and so forth, you know?
David: Yeah, but if you are so indisciplined, for example, that you can't work for a living, you starve.
Jesus: Right. Not so cushy.
David: Now wouldn't a person think that was uncomfortable, to be out in the weather without a roof?
Jesus: Yeah. But you see, they want to cling to the right to be indisciplined. In another sense, it is their comfort zone. You know what I mean?
David: Yeah, okay. It's a different level. Yeah.
Jesus: A different kind of comfort.
David: You know, maybe this ties into the remark I sometimes make about how a modern husband might have two or three divorces to his name. And he might work several jobs to pay for these various families that he's created. And he might rather actually work himself to the bone than he would to morally adapt to the needs of his wives. Now certainly he's embracing, and quite deliberately, a HUGE ordeal JUST to escape a relatively small moral adaptation that would allow him NOT to have to do this absolutely horrifying ordeal. Working two jobs to keep two family households together, all these things that he takes upon himself, just to avoid a moral adaptation. In other words, he would spend a thousand dollars of pain to save three of moral adjustment. So there, that proves your point, right?
Jesus: Yeah.
David: That it's different levels, and he has a different amount of attachment.
Jesus: Yeah. The discomfort of isolation for many is preferable to the discomfort of social exercise. That's another example. Even though the discomfort of isolation leads to death and destruction, while the discomfort of social exercise leads to life and happiness. You know? But still they prefer the discomfort of isolation.
David: Maybe the fundamental decision to be immoral, essentially, is what is at stake in all this. They have a special attachment to not doing it God's way, as a matter of sort of egoic principle.
Jesus: Yeah, and Daddy -- or any actually living human being -- is a confrontation in that respect. But you see, Daddy especially, because Daddy will not put up with hyper-individualistic rebellion. You see what I mean? "Your way is not THE way," is what Daddy's message is.
David: Oh dear.
Jesus: You see what I mean?
David: Yeah.
Jesus: Inherently.
David: Yeah. So that's a very large confront, if viewed in those terms.
Jesus: Yeah. When a good man comes along, when Daddy comes along, that's what he inherently MEANS. "Your way is not THE way. And I'm not going to let you get away with thinking that it is." You see what I mean?
David: Wow. Mm hmm. So the fundamental ego stake-in-the-ground: "I will do it my way."
Jesus: That is their, what I call, comfort zone. They're comfortable doing it their way. So to speak, comfortable.
David: Yeah, I see. As soon as you say those words you go, "Oh my god! That's not true at all!" They're terribly guilty and ashamed.
Jesus: Their ego believes it is what's comfortable.
David: Yeah, it's a hypnotic suggestion that completely overrides their MASSIVE discomfort.
Jesus: Exactly. Like a guy says, "I can't have a job. Oh no. Oh no. It would drive me crazy. But I can sleep under a bridge until my teeth fall out because I'm not brushing them." You know?
David: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. It's really hypnotic suggestion. It's an enforced delusion that overlays a perilously obvious shame and pain.
Jesus: I tell you, brother, the intensity of discomfort they feel doing it someone else's way when they are a true blue MyWayer IS truly painful. You cannot imagine how intense that can be for them.
When that friend of yours, who came to help out and left after two hours, was sitting there trying to be a disciplined little worker, the intensity of the conflict for him was great. Going off into a nothingness was considerably more comfortable for him, in spite of the fact that he knew of the challenges that lay ahead if he left.
People are strong willed. Ya gotta give em that much.
David: Yeah, that's what they say. When they take all that will, and apply it to a good purpose, boy will we all be lucky.
Jesus: We will, yeah. You have to admire how strong willed a human being can be, even if you don't admire the way they're using it.
David: That's hard, under the circumstances.
Jesus: I know, brother. I know.
David: But you're right. You're right, though. It's funny.
Jesus: It's amazing really.
David: It's amazing.
Jesus: Astounding.
David: It's the idea of being God. The confront is, essentially, it's not so much you're NOT God, but it is you are not the ALPHA-God. You are not the ultimate and only God. Or maybe you're God, but you're wrong. Something in there, right?
Jesus: Yeah. The way that you have chosen for yourself, with all your personal little ideas, and selfish desires, and self-direction, is not THE way. Your preferences and desires are not THE Way, the Truth, and the Life. You know what I mean?
David: So the man says, "Fine, I made an honest mistake. No problem. I'll fix it." Or he says, "I can't have made a mistake. My pride can't accept the possibility that I made a mistake." Or if you say, "You made an honest mistake." And then you say, "Well, we're giving you too much credit in this. You made a dishonest mistake. You make a mistake knowingly. You knew it was a mistake as you were making it, and that therefore, it's even difficult to say you made an honest mistake." Now that is a real indictment. That's calling him a sinner, as opposed to just calling him a person who is honestly mistaken. Right? Or clueless.
Jesus: Yeah.
David: Now THAT is an indictment. You don't easily call a man a sinner or he won't deal with it. That's kind of a problem.
Jesus: He has a hard time... Also, he is so identified with that level of his being that is doing those actions, that for him to think that it is bad or wrong seems like death. He doesn't realize he has a better option. Not really. He doesn't really realize it.
David: That's the extent of his self-talk. That he's talked himself into the idea that he doesn't have an option. Right?
Jesus: Yeah, to him the better option of being his true self is not something that is inherent in him. It may be something he could aim for, try for, that is not himself.
David: Oh yeah, so then he's maintaining the ego position looking up at some ideal FROM...
Jesus: Yeah, and in many cases they don't WANT to look up at an ideal. You know what I mean? They don't WANT to think that what they are is imperfect. And the truth is what they are IS perfect. They just don't know what they are. I agree with them. They shouldn't aim to be something else. You know? So why don't they quit it already? [laughs] I'm arguing on their side, and they're the ones trying to do something else.
David: Yeah, "I'm on your side. Be yourself." That shows the extent of delusion, ships passing in the dark.
Jesus: Yeah. Really they are.
David: But see, it's still somewhat annoying that the person knows better. They don't really think they ARE the one they're being!
So I guess this is what we do in Heaven. We talk about these things around in a circle.
Jesus: Yeah!
David: We realize we've made another rotation around the circle and then we go...
Jesus: We kind of understand it all, and it all is a big contradiction. [laughs]
David: Yeah. But the funny thing is we start in on it in earnest every day, as if it really needed to be figured out. "The thing is..."
Jesus: Talking about humanity again!
David: We went that way yesterday, and the day before, and the day before. Don't we remember? It's because the mind will NOT accept an impossible idea.
Jesus: It will not. You see? So everyone knows when somebody is talking about the human race. It has a certain quality -- talking in circles. "Well, yes, it is this, but it's also this. It's not this, but it is this." [cracks up] "This is what they know, and they also don't know it."
David: Well, David says, "The nature of perversity is that it doesn't make any sense."
Jesus: Yeah, really.
David: That's the definition. If it can be made sensible, we wouldn't be having to have this conversation.
Jesus: I love you, brother.
David: There's that point where there's a break between the mind and reality that can't be healed. It simply split apart. And that's the definition of perversity: when something that cannot be rationally justified or understood IS the order of the day.
Damn it, man. It's like having an irrational wife, and there's no dealing with her. Because to her, her thoughts don't need to make sense. You're not playing on an ordinary playing field. Any time the logic breaks down you say, "Why?" She says, "Just because." She plays this trump card and walks away from the table. It's like...
Jesus: What can you do? That's what makes humanity so unreachable. If they were making decisions based on any kind of logic, they'd be ours already. We'd have won them over if logic mattered to them.
David: Yeah.
Jesus: We can outdo them in logic anytime.
David: Easy, yeah. It would be a slam-dunk.
Jesus: But we can't, because logic doesn't matter.
David: Yeah. If there's no rules I guess we're not going to win.
Jesus: Yeah, really.
David: I guess what happens is man comes to see that there is an orderly universe, and that there's problems involved in playing a no-rule game in the midst of a very well ordered and rule-driven universe.
Jesus: Well yeah. What they get to realize is they may want to play by no rules, but the context they're in has rules and consequences, and they have to deal with it anyway, no matter whether they want to pretend like there's no rules. But eventually, that begins to dawn on them.
David: Yeah, so the guy's sleeping out in the rain, and he has all his reasons and they seem good to him, but one thing is, he cannot deny he is in the rain. And it is cold. And then he begins to think, "Now why, again, am I in the rain? Because I broke this and that rule."
Jesus: Yeah, I wasn't willing to love enough that anyone wanted me around. I wasn't willing to contribute enough in the context of any work situation that they would want me around. I wasn't willing to get along with people.
David: But you see, what I'm seeing in my little tiny toilet paper tube view of a big-time architecture is the fact that people who have gone these routes are still digging themselves down into further degradations. And we're not seeing the turn-back-around cycle.
Jesus: You won't for a while. It's a long road when people make that decision to go really down. You know, the next step for people, when the Universe starts giving them consequences and they still don't want to change, is okay, now the Universe now represents Daddy, reality now represents Daddy, because it's giving me consequences, it's showing me that I'm wrong.
David: So, what will I do about that then?
Jesus: "Forget reality! I'm going into my head!" You know? I'm going to go be neurotic. I'm going to see different than reality. I'm going to be in a fantasy world. I'm going to be psychotic. I'm going to whatever.
David: So I will deliberately unplug. So I'm sleeping under the bridge imagining I'm in a warm palace with three or four of my favorite concubines, right? I have, essentially, created an alternative reality.
Jesus: Yeah, yeah, or something. You've got your own... On the more common level, a deep and meaningful fantasy world, complex and has plenty of energy put into it, which may include props, like books and video games, or it may just be your imagination. That's the more common level. On the less common level you have people wandering the streets thinking they're the messiah.
David: Yeah, yeah. Okay, right. Or you even have people thinking that it's so and so's fault that I'm in this jam.
Jesus: Yeah, right. That is part of the common level.
David: That would actually be a pure fantasy in ITSELF, in a sense.
Jesus: It IS. Yeah right. "My boss was an asshole." "My girlfriend was an asshole." "Everyone in this damn world is an asshole. That's why I'm here on the street. A person like me can't be accepted in this world."
David: Yeah, "a person of my sterling integrity."
Jesus: Integrity. Right.
David: And that's a very common belief, that exact belief.
Jesus: Yes, it is.
David: That the people of integrity are the ones... Just as I claim.
Jesus: You are different, brother.
David: Yeah, but it's the same argument, applied perhaps wrongly, that the great ones are always, in fact, outcasts.
Jesus: Yeah, outcasts. That's always "why" a person is an outcast, whether it is true or not. In their mind that is always why. Every school kid who was ever hated thought they must just be a bit more brilliant than all the others.
David: Yeah, "My inherent superiority is landing me in a bad situation."
Jesus: Yeah, right. "I'm alone in this world because everyone else is inferior."
David: Hoooo. Wow. What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
Jesus: Right. It is a tangled web. It is hard to undo. Hard to get in, because the more they invest in that, the more obnoxious truth becomes to them.
David: Mm-hmm. It threatens so much of the whole structure. Yes.
All right, my man.
Jesus: I love you, brother, my man. God bless ya. God bless ya.
David: Thank you.