The Real Jesus
Jesus: You are talking about humanity. And I would say, from my point of view what humanity is, and why people feel humanity from me, is I recognize my own power and I use it compassionately. In other words, most people will be willing to glance at someone without much consciousness of what they are communicating. Most people are willing to say a word or two without much consciousness of what they are communicating.
David: Yes.
Jesus: Being a human being is like having a nuclear weapon. You know? An extremely sharp knife. You want to be careful what you do with that -- you know? Where you point it. What you do with it. You don't want to handle it unconsciously. Because being a human being means having enormous power in your glance, in your words.
David: So you're talking about this compassion thing, and you're saying: if a person knew their power, they would start exercising it in ways that would give them a reputation for compassion, because they would not want to use that nuclear power in a hurtful manner.
Jesus: Well, I would say more accurately: for a person to know their own power, and be willing to use it compassionately and consciously, that is love, and that is humanity. You see?
David: I see. Yeah.
Jesus: A powerhouse, each person is. Every word is huge. And every glance. You know?
David: Yes, and every attitude behind every glance that makes it what it is.
Jesus: Every attitude, every thought. They are a huge powerful weapon walking around. And if they mishandle themselves, they're not going to do any good. They're going to do a lot of bad. You see? They glance at each other randomly. Whatever emotion or reaction they happen to feel, they give it to each other. That is the main difference between me and most people. I will not glance at somebody randomly. I will be intentional about what I communicate.
David: Yes. Yeah.
Jesus: That's the main difference! It's really quite simple.
David: But it appears to be night and day. That was what I was getting at. It appears to almost make you seem like a different breed of cat, because of the fact that people are quite used to this unconscious and somewhat destructive use of their own power. When they see someone doing different than that, it appears to them that it came from Mars, or...
Jesus: Somewhere else. Yeah.
David: Yeah.
Jesus: They are extremely used to it. And it is heartbreaking to them beyond belief. To live among people in a context where what is exchanged is not conscious or compassionate. So much of it is random. You know?
David: Right, and at the same time, so much of it being hurtful.
Jesus: Yes. Oh yes. Inevitably, until they would love enough to be conscious.
David: To get a grip on all those functions that are now unconsciously used.
Jesus: Yeah, yeah.
David: Okay, so what we have to do is let a person know that he or she has great power. And then try to appeal to them, to their compassion, in encouraging them to use it compassionately. Right?
Jesus: Yeah.
David: And then try to see whether a person's caring will be sufficient to cause them to be motivated by the fact that it matters. Right? The part where we've had some difficulty with is the fact that you can tell a person, "You're hurting someone else," but they may not care about that as much as you might think, apparently.
In other words, what you would think would be a grand motivator doesn't always appear so. It seems to instead almost have the effect of causing the person just to be more defensive. "Well, obviously they don't understand me, and no one cares about me. And so telling me this news that I'm hurting other people is uncompassionate. And why should I have to put up with this when in fact, blah, blah, blah, blah." It becomes a torrent of defenses right in the face of some instructive encouragement to be more careful with others. Right? Rationalizations and justifications.
Jesus: Yeah, or guilt. Just as bad in some ways.
David: Guilt, and then self-destructive beating oneself up, and so forth.
Jesus: Yeah.
David: Well, now what?
Jesus: Well, we have to rely on them for their part. We can only do our part.
David: I'm not trying to be negative about the whole thing. It's tough.
Jesus: I know it.
David: It's tough to find these motivations in people.
Jesus: I know that.
David: Though it seems so obvious.
Jesus: It's hard to motivate a man to live right when they are attached to living wrong.
David: Their soul loves the things of compassion, because in that there is beauty, there is upliftment, there is love, there is a bubble of nectarian exchange. The soul loves it. It seems like the ego co-opts the whole game.
Jesus: Well, you will never ever ever do anything consistently, simply because the soul loves it. You know what I mean?
David: Mm hmm.
Jesus: It has to be compassion. It has to be love that would cause that. Because the thing is, people are capable of enjoying what their soul loves. You know? But they will not be consistent in it if that's why they're doing it. Even if it's because the soul loves it.
David: Yeah, that doesn't prevent the person from going all over the place.
Jesus: Yeah, right. It has to be for others.
There is a listening to each others' hearts that is the basis of the whole thing. And as long as one's focus is on one's own enjoyment, one loses it too easily. The basis of it is the fact that, "No. I do not want to stab my friend in the arm with my reactive glance. I do not want them to have to feel that unconsciously."
David: Yeah, so there's no substitute for the direct confrontation with the moral implications of living.
Jesus: Yeah.
David: There's no substitute for it. You can't find that in any statement of, "It would be good for you if..." "You would enjoy it if..." All those things.
Jesus: Yeah.
David: Any sales pitch based on selfish motive, even "spiritual bliss."
Jesus: Yeah, it doesn't... The heart is what we're aiming to appeal to.